InfoUSB App yorumlar

SSL error msg

I have been trying to upload my info for the nurse to read and it keeps saying “an SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made” I deleted the app and then reinstalled it just now and the message is the same. What can I do? The nurse was able to upload the info into her computer when I went to my appointment.

could not upload my info

could not type my B day and when i finally did it never uploaded

Birthday entry

I had to work with it for a bit to get it to take in the birth date. but once i did it seemed to work ok Idon’t know what I did exactly to get it to take in the dates but it seemed that if i filled in the fields for the date fullly then went back and typed in the actual dates it worked, It just didn’t work at first try so you have to keep working with it.

does not work

the app does not recognize my date of birth and that makes it useless. Am i now supposed to get a hold of a Windows PC to be able to get my data uploaded?


Can not enter my birthday, I do not know if it sent my data.


uploaded with ease. not one problem, took literally 15 seconds. back to a snore-free night.


Does not recognize my birthday. Would be nice if it did, as well as have the ability so we too can view and monitor.

You have to know what you’re doing...

I am a Dealer for Fisher & Paykel and I know how to use infoSmart and infoUSB applications. First, the dealer has to have your information in their system so you are able to upload it to the service. If not, the app won’t recognize you and will close. This is your PROVIDER’S fault. Not the app’s fault. Second, you will not be able to see the data at all unless you’ve been given access to the infoSmart website. Most Proviers will not give you this access since it contains the whole database of their patients. Just a little fyi for everyone that is downloading app that is not on a WIN PC.

Completely useless app

Loaded app, plugged in my USB key. It recognized it and asked for my bday. Entered it and the app just closes. No error, no message that data was sent (it wasn’t). The support site is non-existent. Searching for “infousb” on their site turns up a FAQ… which is just a blank page!

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